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English abbreviation dictionary - game


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hum. gen. abbr.
Genome Annotation Markup Element ocean sc. abbr.
GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment softw. abbr.
Game Animation Music Editor religion abbr.
Grace And Mercy Eternally NASDAQ abbr.
Gametek, Inc. firm name abbr.
Great American Merchandising And Events
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  ~1 n 1 »ACTIVITY OR SPORT« a) an activity or sport in which people compete with each other according to agreed rules  (What's your favorite game? | Dan's never liked card games.) b) an occasion when a game is played  (Did you see the game on TV last night? | Let's have a game of chess.) c) your game how well you play a particular game  (raise/improve your game)  (Liam's taking lessons to improve his game.) d) games a large organized sports event  (the Olympic Games) e) BrE organized sports as a school subject or lesson  (We have games on Thursdays.)  (- compare match1 (2), - see also ball game, board game, war game) 2 »PART OF A MATCH« one of the parts into which a single competition is divided, for example in tennis or bridge1 (4)  (Graf leads, two games to one.) 3 »CHILDREN'S GAME« a children's activity in which they play with toys, pretend to be someone else etc  (a game of hide-and-seek | Look! Now you've spoilt our game!) 4 »BE A GAME« to be something that you do to enjoy yourself rather than for a serious purpose  (Some of those kids think life's just a game.) 5 play games/silly games (with) to behave in a dishonest or unfair way in order to get what you want  (Are you sure he's really interested, and not just playing silly games with you?) 6 give the game away to spoil a surprise or secret by doing or saying something that lets someone guess what the secret is  (Lynn gave the game away by laughing when Kim walked in.) 7 »ANIMALS/BIRDS« wild animals, birds, and fish that are hunted for food, especially as a sport  (- see also big game) 8 beat/play sb at their own game to beat someone or fight back against them by using the same methods that they use  (Jackie decided to play Dean at his own game and left without paying the bill..) 9 what's her game/your game etc? spoken used to ask what the true reason for someone's behaviour is  (Reg is being very nice all of a sudden. What's his game?) 10 advertising/public relations etc game informal the profession of advertising etc 11 a game of chance a game in...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (games) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A game is an activity or sport usually involving skill, knowledge, or chance, in which you follow fixed rules and try to win against an opponent or to solve a puzzle. ...the wonderful game of football. ...a playful game of hide-and-seek. ...a video game. N-COUNT 2. A game is one particular occasion on which a game is played. It was the first game of the season... He regularly watched our games from the stands... We won three games against Australia. = match N-COUNT 3. A game is a part of a match, for example in tennis or bridge, consisting of a fixed number of points. She won six games to love in the second set. ...the last three points of the second game. N-COUNT 4. Games are an organized event in which competitions in several sports take place. ...the 2000 Olympic Games at Sydney. N-PLURAL 5. Games are organized sports activities that children do at school. (BRIT) At his grammar school he is remembered for being bad at games but good in debates. = sport N-PLURAL 6. Someone’s game is the degree of skill or the style that they use when playing a particular game. Once I was through the first set my game picked up. N-SING: usu poss N 7. You can describe a situation that you do not treat seriously as a game. Many people regard life as a game: you win some, you lose some... N-COUNT 8. You can use game to describe a way of behaving in which a person uses a particular plan, usually in order to gain an advantage for himself or herself. Until now, the Americans have been playing a very delicate political game. N-COUNT: usu with supp 9. Wild animals or birds that are hunted for sport and sometimes cooked and eaten are referred to as game. ...men who shot game for food. N-UNCOUNT 10. If you are game for something, you are willing to do something new, unusual, or risky. After all this time he still had new ideas and was game to try them... He said he’s game for a similar...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~n; akin to Old High German gaman amusement  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) activity engaged in for diversion or amusement ; play  (2) the equipment for a ~  b. often derisive or mocking jesting ; fun, sport make ~ of a nervous player  2.  a. a procedure or strategy for gaining an end ; tactic  b. an illegal or shady scheme or maneuver ; racket  3.  a.  (1) a physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the participants in direct opposition to each other  (2) a division of a larger contest  (3) the number of points necessary to win  (4) points scored in certain card ~s (as in all fours) by a player whose cards count up the highest  (5) the manner of playing in a contest  (6) the set of rules governing a ~  (7) a particular aspect or phase of play in a ~ or sport a football team's kicking ~  b. plural organized athletics  c.  (1) a field of gainful activity ; line the newspaper ~  (2) any activity undertaken or regarded as a contest involving rivalry, strategy, or struggle the dating ~ the ~ of politics; also the course or period of such an activity got into aviation early in the ~  (3) area of expertise ; specialty 3 comedy is not my ~  4.  a.  (1) animals under pursuit or taken in hunting; especially wild animals hunted for sport or food  (2) the flesh of ~ animals  b. archaic pluck  c. a target or object especially of ridicule or attack — often used in the phrase fair ~  Synonyms: see fun  • ~like adjective  II. verb  (~d; gaming)  Date: 1512  intransitive verb to play for a stake  transitive verb  1. archaic to lose or squander by gambling  2. to take dishonest advantage of ; cheat ~ the tax system  III. adjective  Date: 1610  1.  a. having or showing a resolute unyielding spirit ~ to the end  b. willing or ready to proceed were ~ for anything  2. of or relating to ~ ~ laws  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  IV. adjective  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: circa...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a form or spell of play or sport, esp. a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck. 2 a single portion of play forming a scoring unit in some contests, e.g. bridge or tennis. 3 (in pl.) a athletics or sports as organized in a school etc. b a meeting for athletic etc. contests (Olympic Games). 4 a winning score in a game; the state of the score in a game (the game is two all). 5 the equipment for a game. 6 one's level of achievement in a game, as specified (played a good game). 7 a a piece of fun; a jest (was only playing a game with you). b (in pl.) dodges, tricks (none of your games!). 8 a scheme or undertaking etc. regarded as a game (so that's your game). 9 a policy or line of action. 10 (collect.) a wild animals or birds hunted for sport or food. b the flesh of these. 11 a hunted animal; a quarry or object of pursuit or attack. 12 a kept flock of swans. --adj. 1 spirited; eager and willing. 2 (foll. by for, or to + infin.) having the spirit or energy; eagerly prepared. --v.intr. play at games of chance for money; gamble. Phrases and idioms the game is up the scheme is revealed or foiled. game plan esp. US 1 a winning strategy worked out in advance for a particular match. 2 a plan of campaign, esp. in politics. game point Tennis etc. a point which, if won, would win the game. game (or games) theory the mathematical analysis of conflict in war, economics, games of skill, etc. game-warden an official locally supervising game and hunting. gaming-house a place frequented for gambling; a casino. gaming-table a table used for gambling. make game (or a game) of mock, taunt. off (or on) one's game playing badly (or well). on the game Brit. sl. involved in prostitution or thieving. play the game behave fairly or according to the rules. Derivatives gamely adv. gameness n. gamester n. Etymology: OE gamen 2. adj. (of a leg, arm, etc.) lame, crippled. Etymology: 18th-c. dial.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  игра - coin-operated electronic game - computer game - electronic game - home electronic game - television game ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  игра – computer game – television game ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) игра 2) игральный 3) играть 4) игровой вычислительный 5) партия absolutely fair game — абсолютно справедливая игра almost cooperative game — почти кооперативная игра almost unanimity game — почти единодушная игра ball and cell game — игра в шары и ячейки basic game situation — базисная игровая ситуация bending of the game — выигрыш circular symmetric game — игра с круговой симметрией coin guessing coin matching game — игра угадывание монеты coin tossing game — игра в орлянку, орлянка completely mixed game — вполне смешанная игра completely reduced game — полностью приведенная игра composite compound game — составная игра constrained constraint game — игра с ограничениями counterfait coin game — игра с фальшивой монетой decision making game — игра с принятием решений economic ruin game — игра на экономическое разорение evolutionary operation game — схема эволюционного планирования ( эксперимента) finite dimensional game — конечномерная игра fixed sample-size game — игра с фиксированным объемом выборки game in extensive form — игра в развернутой форме, позиционная игра game in normal form — игра в нормальной форме game in reduced form — игра в приведенной форме, приведенная игра game is a draw — игра окончилась вничью game of fair division — игра (с целью) справедливого дележа game of harmstrung squad car — игра поврежденный полицейский автомобиль game of heads or tails...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) игра 2) игра (рискованная), рискованное предприятие - game element - game model - game of politics - game of survival - game parameter - game payment - play a double game - play a winning game - stock market game - waiting game ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) дичь 2) этол. игра – big game – black game – feather game – fur game – ground game – small game ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. игра noisy game —- шумная игра indoor games —- игры в закрытом помещении children's games —- детские игры games of chance, gambling games —- азартные игры foorball game —- футбол; игра в футбол to know a (the) game —- знать правила игры; уметь играть (в игру) to play the game —- играть по правилам; вести честную игру; поступать честно (порядочно) to play a good game, to be a good hand at a game —- быть хорошим игроком he plays a good game at cards —- он хорошо играет в карты to be on one's game —- быть в форме, быть в ударе; хорошо играть four play that game —- в эту игру играют вчетвером let's have a game of cards —- сыграем в карты? 2. pl. спортивные игры; состязания, соревнования championship games —- игры на первенство the Olympic games —- Олимпийские игры how's the game going? —- как идет игра?; какой счет? do you play games? —- вы играете в какие-л. спортивные игры? 3. игра this shop sells toys and games —- в этом магазине продают игрушки и игры 4. игра, партия, гейм a game of tennis —- один гейм в теннис alternate game —- нечетная игра, после которой игроки меняются сторонами (теннис) to win the game —- выиграть come and have a game with us —- идите к нам играть, сыграйте с нами a game of billiards —- партия на бильярде game and game —- по одной выигранной партии (теннис) game and set —- (выигран) гейм и (выиграна) партия (теннис) to win 4 games in the first set —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  away проиграть GAME I  1. noun  1) игра to play a good (poor) game - быть хорошим (плохим) игроком - play the game  2) sport игра, партия a game of tennis - партия в теннис; гейм  3) pl. соревнования; игры  4) развлечение, забава what a game! - как забавно!  5) шутка; to have a game with - дурачить кого-л.} - make game of - speak in game  6) замысел, проект, дело  7) уловка, увертка, хитрость, фокус none of your games - оставьте эти штуки, без фокусов the game is up - карта бита, дело проиграно the game is not worth the candle - игра не стоит свеч two can play at that game - посмотрим еще, чья возьмет to have the game in ones hands - быть уверенным в успехе this game is yours - вы выиграли Syn: see plaything  2. adj.  1) смелый; боевой, задорный  2) охотно готовый сделать что-л. to be game for anything - быть готовым на все; ничего не бояться  3. v. играть в азартные игры - game away II noun  1) дичь - fair game - big game  2) мясо диких уток, куропаток, зайчатина и т.п. III adj. искалеченный, парализованный (о руке, ноге) ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом


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